Friday, November 6, 2015

How to Use Displace Filter in Photoshop

How to Use Displace Filter in Photoshop -  header

Step 01

Open Adobe Photoshop create a new document. The document size will be 2560 x 1440for the size. Save it as Displacement Scenery’s.psd.
1.1 Crating the new document

Step 02

 Now import the brick image (check the resources section at the beginning of the tutorial), now place that image in the newly created Ps document.
2.1 Placing the brick layer

Step 03

Now again import the image with a girl near a window, now keep it in top of the brick layer.
3.1 Adding the girl with the curtain

Step 04

With the Lasso Tool (L) or the Pen Tool (P) select the empty white. Once you select the areas you can go to path pallet and select the selection and remove the white background. Now while the image being selected go to Select>Refine Edges give the below mentioned values.
4.1 Refine Edges
4.2 Removing the white background
4.1 Refine Edges 4.2 Removing the white background

Step 05

As the next step, we will again select only the girl with the pen tool and place it in another layer. Now after that, bring the brick layer on top of the curtain layer and mask it to the brick layer.
5.1 Masking the brick layer  5.1 Masking the brick layer 

Step 06 

As for the next step we will duplicate the curtain layer and make some adjustments in that layer. Then go to Image>Adjustment> Desaturate, then go to Image>Adjustment>Levels. Increase the black inputs and a little bit of the white. Check out the image below for reference.
6.1 Desaturate 6.1 Desaturate 
6.2 Level Adjustments6.2 Level Adjustments

Step 07

 Now again makes the brick layer to the newly made curtain layer adjustment layer, Change the Blend Mode of the Layer to Overlay. Your result will be something like the image below. You can make the effect stronger by duplicating the layer if you want, if you are going to do that change the opacity otherwise it will become too dark. I made the second brick layer in to Soft Light.7.1 Overlay Mode
 7.1 Overlay Mode 7.2 Soft Light Mode 7.2 Soft Light Mode 

Step 08 

Now as for the next steps, we will duplicate the girl with only the curtain without the masked brick layer and we will apply the above added Layer adjustment and Desaturate effect to it and save it as a separate PSD file, this will be used as the displacement map in the next steps.
8.1 New PSD of the girl  8.1 New PSD of the girl 

Step 09

 Now go Back to your design, select the brick wall layer and go to Filter>Distort>Pixelate. Use 10 for the Horizontal Scale, 30 for the Vertical Scale. Select Stretch to Fit and Repeat Edge Pixels. Press OK and then another dialog box will open asking you to select a file. Select the Photoshop file you saved in the previous step.
9.1 Adding the next displaced effect  9.1 Adding the next displaced effect 

Step 10

 Now after adding all these displacement effects, go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Gradient Map. Make sure that its black and white and the change the Blend Mode to Soft Light. 
10.1 Adding the gradient Map  10.1 Adding the gradient Map 

Step 11 

As for the next step go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Photo Filter. Use orange for the color with 60% Density.
11.2 Adding the Filter Orange11.2 Adding the Filter Orange

Step 12

 As for the next step we will add an adjustment layer of Hue and Saturation go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Hue and Saturation. Change the Saturation to -20.
12.1 Adding the Hue Saturation Layer 12.1 Adding the Hue Saturation Layer 12.2 Final result with the effects so far12.2 Final result with the effects so far 

Step 13 

Now as the next step add the other image with the fields and sun shine in it (check resources section). 
13.1 Adding the filed image to the background13.1 Adding the filed image to the background

 Step 14 

Now for the final touch ups add a new layer on top of the others and fill it with black Then with the Brush Tool (B) select a very soft brush and white for the color. Then paint with white in the center until you get a white ellipse. After that just change the Blend Mode to multiply to create a vignette effect. 
14.2 Adding the vignette effect14.2 Adding the vignette effect 

Step 15 

As for the final step select all the layer that we have created currently and merge them Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 10 pixels for the Radius. Change this layer’s Blend Mode to Screen and the Opacity to 60%.15.1 Gaussian Blur 15.1 Gaussian Blur 15.215.2 15.3 Blending in to screen mode 60%15.3 Blending in to screen mode 60% 15.4 final outcome15.4 final outcome 
Now it’s up to you, you can try different images and see the result, the most important thing is that you practice and have fun with Photoshop. There now you have successfully completed the tutorial. Thanks for staying with this tutorial. Hope you have enjoyed this, stay tuned for more awesome tutorials from us.

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